Our next Board Games Night will be on Saturday 25th January from 5pm until 9pm at the King's Church Centre. Come along and bring your friends!

Our Board Games Night follows the following format - come and check out our Board Games store, find a game you'd like to play and enjoy getting to know each other over a historic battle, whilst building a theme park, or trying not to get caught by the police.
If you have a fun game you'd like to play, feel free to bring it along.
What to expect:
- we'll open at 5pm.
- bring your games, and a contribution to a shared meal (eg a savoury dish or a pudding, or some drinks).
- check into the board games store to find a game to play.
- 5pm - 6pm is all age format, where we'll be playing games that kids will be able to join in with.
- at 6pm we'll eat together.
- from about 6:30, we'll have a movie for the kids to enjoy if they're tired of the games, and we'll continue playing more games until we run out of steam!